




“Good morning everyone,today is my turn to the speech.

There is no better school than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve my performance next time. Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes. Because I know: gems cannot shine without polish, and I can not perfect myself without hardship.

Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.

I am better prepared , now ,to deal with any adversity . No matter what fate has in store for me to know that I will relish it or I will suffer it for only a brief,brief time.So very few understand this obvious truth while the rest allow their hopes and goals to vanish as soon as tragedy strikes. These unfortunately people carry with them, until they die their own bed of thorms and look to others. every day, for sympathy and attention.Adversity will never destroy the person with courage and faith.

Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.

Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do gathers so richly about my soul when it has to suffer cruel adversity. Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help. Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed, how I can turn that adversity into good. What a great opportunity that moment may present……to take the bitter root I am holding and transform it into fragrant garden of flowers.

Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.































“My wish-by Rascal Flatts

I hope that days come easy and moments pass slow (我盼望日子安稳降临,岁月静好)

And each road leads you where you want to go (每条路都通向你想去的地方)

And if you're faced with a choice (倘若你面临选择)

and you have to choose (且不得不决定)

I hope you choose the one that means the most to you (我希望你选择对你最为珍贵的那一个)

And if one door opens to another door closed (如果上帝为你关闭了一扇门)

I hope you keep on walking till you find the window (我希望你永不言弃,找到希望之窗)

If it's cold outside (如果世界寒冷彻骨)

show the world the warmth of your smile (要用微笑去暖化)

More than anything, more than anything(但最为重要的是)

My wish, for you, is that this life(我祝福你,在这一生之中)

becomes all that you want it (终得所愿,心想事成)

To your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small (放飞梦想,抛弃忧虑)

You never need to carry more than you can hold (愿你在世间轻松前行)

And while you're out there (当你行走在路上)

getting where you're getting to (去想去的地方时)

I hope you know somebody loves you (我希望你知道有人爱着你)

and wants the same things too (且渴望你的爱与祝福)

Yeah, this, is my wish yeah (是的,这是我的愿望)

I hope you never look back, but you never forget (不必回望过去但也别忘记)

All the ones who love you, in the place you left (那些曾在生命中爱过你的人)

I hope you always forgive, and you never regret (我希望你善于宽恕,永不后悔)

And you help somebody every chance you get (帮助那些你遇到的需要帮助的人)

Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake OH(奥,即使面对错误,也有上帝般的慈悲)

And you always give more then you take (你应该乐于奉献,甚少索取)




重生之拳台杀手 顶级弃少 弃少归来 至尊修罗 魂帝武神 重生弃少归来 夫人你马甲又掉了 永恒至尊 少年风水师 重生之将门毒后